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Schwarz Quant Investment Bank


​Registered in the US as Samuel Lawrence LLC

with EIN Number 36-5106970



239 Greene Street New York, 10003 New York, USA.


Schwarz Quant Investment Bank

Registered in Germany as Samuel Lawrence Einzelhandel

with VAT Number DE367205475



Johanniterstrasse 17, 79189 Bad Krozingen, Germany.


Phone+49 157 307 44 970

              +1 646 242 55 07



Responsible for the contents is: Samuel Lawrence (Owner and CEO) 

Schwarz Quant Investment Bank, Samuel Lawrence Einzelunternehmer and Samuel Lawrence L.L.C. are not regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC or Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin.



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